I’m working on an important project and I have the need to keep track of errors in real time.

I thought to myself How can I track Laravel error in realtime? and the best option I came up with is to create a Telegram Bot, that every time a production error happens it sends me the first part of the error stack along with the user who fired it, his whatsapp number (so that I can click on the person’s name and start a chat directly) and the exact url it happened at.

And this is the result:


To do this I installed the package laravel-notification-channels, created a TelegramBot, set the API in the .env (as explained in the package installation) and my chat_id inside app\User

public function routeNotificationForTelegram()
    return 'my-numeric-chat-id';

As a note: Telegram chat_id is the same for every Bot and chat you create, is actually your very Telegram ID which will stay the same unless you create another account.

Then I’ve extended the report() method inside app/Exceptions/Handler.php of my Project to look like this:

public function report(Throwable $exception)
    if (app()->isProduction() && auth()->id()) {
        $cut_exception = explode("\n", $exception)[0];

        $app         = config('app.name');
        $user        = auth()->id();
        $name        = auth()->user()->full_name;
        $phone       = ltrim(str_replace(' ', '', auth()->user()->phone), '0');
        $current_url = url()->current();

        $mrweb = User::find(1)
            ->notify(new TelegramNotification("*{$app}*\nUser #{$user} [{$name}](https://wa.me/{$phone})\n\n{$current_url}\n\n`{$cut_exception}`"));